The Unexpected...
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Expect the Unexpected...
This past week ,my mom and I,were driving
to Warren.On that trip, i encountered some
turbulance...I lost control and hit the ditch
and I hit a tree.But what's so strange about
this is... that i hit that tree at over 70MPH.
We both walked away from this without a scratch.
I should've died back there and I would've if
it weren't for God...It's always hard to expect the unexpected...

pic 1
As you can see hitting a going 70 MPH can do damage......
It was brand new, 2003 , with 4000 miles on her.
pic 2
New cars today are not safe things...
pic 3

I really do hate the fact that i done this.

pic 4
A close up.
pic 5
I thank my stars
pic 6
I'm lucky i didn't hit anyone.
pic 7
This concludes this section.But one word can describe me...lucky...very.....