Site Updates
4/2/04 howdy! I recently got an email from a cool calm pimp who wanted me to post his truck pic.well, i done it.i hope you like it! 8/16/03 hey!let this be known!!!!ANY ONE WHO WANTS THE NEWS LETTER EMAIL ME AT STEPHENM_808@HOTMAIL.COM THANKS !!!!!!!
7/10/03 the people have spoken. and they want trucks.trucks are monsters.they make good burnouts. got to the new section.
7/7/03 hi there people, i've come back with a vengence.i've changed every page on the site now. check out the new section, The Unexpected. Its why ive had a bad the way help me get rich.
If you want to see updates before 7/7/03 go to the Whats New section. Thanks!: )
This site is dedicated to cars and burnouts.
I would like to give a special thanks to Steven Roy for this weeks conrtibution
also if you want to view the guestbook go to links:)thanx
PB&J Updates
PB&J is a hard gang in which we all are republicans and support Bush. If you are interested drop me a line. PB&J is a non-profit organization
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Vote Bush 04' The previous ad was paid for by PB&J which is sponsered by this website. - ste |

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